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The Kingdom of Spain : Raksit R. 5317872

Reino de España: The Kingdom of Spain
 Wednesday 29 August 2012

Credit: Ramessos/Wikimedia Commons (PD)
The following timeline will help you in understanding the history of Spain, its rulers and The Kingdom.

 Pre-Roman Era: Spain was initially inhabited by Iberians and Celts (groups of tribal societies). Artifacts of these settlements are found in the Altamira cave, in the form of paintings. The Carthaginians later invaded these settlements and started trading colonies.

 Roman Empire: The Roman Empire captured the Carthaginian trading colonies roughly around 210 BC to 205 BC. Christianity was introduced in Spain during this era. Most of Spain's present religion, language and law originate from this period. Agricultural production was started under the Roman rule, markets were introduced and export of goods was initiated. Later, the Roman Empire was overthrown by the Gothic tribes.

 Muslim Rule: Spain faced Muslim domination after they defeated the Gothic tribes and took over their establishments. The Muslim period lasted for more than 700 years.

 Fall of Muslim rule and discovery of foreign lands: After losing most of their territory, the Muslims were finally defeated in 1492 by Isabel and Ferdinand. The couple then united the whole country under one crown. The same year Christopher Columbus discovered America.

 The Golden age: This Era was called the Golden age mainly due to the gold and silver brought in from the newly discovered continents. Under the Spanish emperor Charles I., the Spanish, German, and Austrian kingdoms were united. However, this splendid period of the Spanish history lasted only for 50 years; wars and internal conflicts undermining Spanish influence.

 Napoleon Rule: After the French Revolution, Napoleon defeated the Spanish army and ruled the empire from 1808 to 1815. After Spain regained its empire, internal conflicts and economical recession led to the loss of many Spanish colonies in America.

 Civil war: The increasing conflicts between the Republican Government and the Nationalist opposition led to the Spanish Civil War which lasted from 1936 to 1939. The Nationalists, led by General Franco succeeded against the Republicans.
Arte Espanol: Art of and in Spain
The paintings and sculptures in Spain are famous all over the world. Some of the Spanish artists and sculptors have left their mark in the field of art. Artist like Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali are among the most innovative artists in the world. With famous masterpieces such as his Guernica painting, Picasso's work along with those of other famous Spanish painters are highly regarded and valued by important art galleries around the world. Names of renowned Spanish sculptors include Mariano Benlliure, Vasco de la Zarza, Juan Bautista Monegro and Alonso Berruguete. Spain has more than 800 museums and important collectors' items, specially in Barcelona and Madrid. And, over the years, there has been a tremendous explosion in the number of art galleries in the country, especially those related to contemporary art.

As a result of its invasions and geographical diversity, the architecture of Spain has had a great influence from other cultures. Some of the major influences on the architecture of Spain are from the Greeks, Romans, Muslims, North Africans and Phoenicians.

The Romans have left some of the most outstanding architecture in Spain. The Muslim dynasty and the Christian kingdoms have resulted in the diversity of style of architecture in southern Spain. An example of this is Cordova, a city in Andalusia, southern Spain. Spain also saw the growth of Renaissance architecture. Oviedo and the Kingdom of the Asturias, Burgos Cathedral, Santiago de Compostela, Works of Antoni Gaudí, Historic City of Toledo are some of the places that are known for their beautiful architecture. Spain has 44 World Heritage Sites as recognized by UNESCO.

Spanish cuisine is a heavenly mixture of chicken, mixed vegetable and meats, along with fish and many different spices. Relatively, this cuisine is non-spicy. Spanish food offers some of the most mouth-watering and delicious dishes ever to be set on a dinner table.

Some of the more popular Spanish dishes include Paella, which is a rice dish that features a variety of ingredients. Also famous, are the mariscos or shellfish, and the potajes and pimientos rellenos. Hot chocolate and churros is a very popular dessert throughout the country. Spain is also famous for its aromatic wines; the drinking age in the country is 18. Other alcoholic beverages are Sangria, Cava and authentic Spanish beer. Spanish people are very fond of food, and a famous saying in Spanish goes - 'Barriga llena, corazón contento!' that translates to 'A full belly and a happy heart!'.

